Ciudad Espanto - iwannagetviolentlyhigh

i want to get violently high and kiss your mouth
two fingertips scratching your back
my skirt almost all the way up
your jeans tight

i want to get violently high and run in a meadow
bring your hands to the top and brush the trees
bite a ripe tangerine, and swallow its half
spit the seeds

i want to get violently high and sing you a lullaby 
and feel your breath in my chest
and your hands in my head, 
and your arms holding me tight

i need to know you not so much want me but must have me,
i crave your attention and your touch
i need your skin to break into my depth
i yearn for the days when i bite your tongue when i wake up
bite my cheek

make me your embodied desire
my desire
of you


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