La constante imperfecta del "querer querer/hacer/ser"

Bear with me for a second, I know this might sound crazy bonkers bananas, but I swear I've got a point. Whenever you try to analyze where your actions are coming from, your obsessive ass begins an unbearable journey of self deception where it tries to gather all the information available to you at that point in order to cultivate the most accurate answer ever created.

Be it past, present, or future hopes, your attempts to provide excellently crafted answers and make sense every time you state something, regardless of how important those details -or even answers- are, force you into a rabbit hole of desperation. 

Perfection is the enemy of growth. You cannot grow unless you get the fuck out of your head and simplify the answers for the things you were requested to do. It's not like you have to spend eight hours on a task for it to be worthwhile. 

You need to understand that your value does not depend on the hardships and pain you endure to get to your end goal. Accept the fact that you're one capable motherfucker who deserves the praise and success that has accompanied your work. 

Do not get stuck, waiting for pain to come save you. You have suffered enough, you're not a victim of circumstances, and it's your duty to decide what to do with the accumulated knowledge. Can you accept the fact that you have done amazing work, and learnt amazing things about yourself and the world and how to treat people?

Pain and suffering are the greatest teachers, but you also have to remember to let them go once they've completed their mission and taught you whatever it was that they needed to. What are you doing next? 

This is also a sidenote reminder to self. But hey, if the "motherfucker" part resonated with you, blessed be thy text, now get the fuck out. besos.


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